Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Making Snow Angels

Finally, some snow to play in!! Grayson was watching out the window for daddy to get home today. He wanted to go out and make snow angles. Marc said as soon as he took him outside, he threw himself onto the ground and began making his angels! Not to bad for a 3 year old and he knew exactly what to do! We were impressed. Grayson has been taking wonderful care of me. He really understands that I can't do a whole lot at this point. He brings me pillows to set on and ice packs. We have been making the best of these last few weeks. The doctor has ordered me to try and stay of my feet as much as possible. Notice I say try. It is hard with a toddler and with me being so anal. Marc has been so wonderful keeping up with everything and taking care of the two of us! My family has been a great help too and my friend Kriste. Thanks to every one, it has made my life a little easier and Grayson enjoys seeing family and freinds too.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!!

Christmas was just wonderful this year, even more exciting than the last! Grayson was really into the whole idea of Christmas! He talked about Santa coming and going down the chimney to bring him gifts. He helped mommy make special sugar cookies for Santa. He was all too excited to put them on his Santa plate along with carrots for the reindeer and milk for Santa to wash down the cookies. Grayson sang his Christmas Jingle Bells. That was his favorite solo this year and last! We got him singing it on video and wishing baby Jesus a Happy Birthday! Grayson also made a ginger bread house we are proud to display, he is also.
Grayson just loved all Santa brought for him. He got a lot of the Super Hero Squad Collection along with the play set. I have never seen him play with one toy nonstop! I think it was a hit! Of all his gifts, the Squad Collection has been the favorite. After present opening, we had our traditional breakfast of biscuits and gravy. Grayson has his favorite, pancakes. Later that day, Grandpa and Grandma came by to visit to see what Santa had brought for Grayson. That was a special treat. This past weekend, we went to Grandpa and Grandma's to celebrate with Aunt Sarah and Uncle Mike. Grayson was such a helper, passing out all the gifts and helping to open as well. Everyone is playing Elefun with Grayson in the first picture, one of Grayson's new games. The object is to catch butterflies in your net.This has been an exciting time of the year for us all! It always is! My parents always made Christmas very special and I have always continued to carry that on through celebrating with Marc and now with Grayson! Santa still leaves a letter at my parents for me and my sister and now Santa writes one for Grayson every year. Marc makes sure of that! :)

Looking forward to the next year, I am counting down the days until baby Mathias! I am past the feeling good stage, if there was ever one with feeling so sick and have now crossed over into the almost unbearable, uncomfortable stage. I feel like I can't possibly get any bigger in the stomach area but this is when the baby doubles it's weight so we shall see. Grayson gave me really bad back pain which I don't have this time around but have traded off for horrible pelvic pain. At least going for my prenatal massage every week helps it for a short while. All too exciting anticipating the arrival. Grayson talks about being a big brother and teaching the baby all sorts of things. He is ready to feed the baby he says and hold the baby and teach it to play guys (as he calls his action figures).

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone! We are looking forward to what this year has in store for us! February will be like Christmas all over again when we find on it's birthday, if baby Mathias will be a boy or a girl.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Count Down Until Christmas

Grayson has been enjoying the holiday season. Our little guy has been busy as usual! We went to Grandma's to make holiday cookies a few weeks ago. Grandpa played with Grayson while Grandma and I did lots of baking! We love to bake during this time of the year!! It really brings in the season! Thus far, Grayson has been staying healthy! Yea!!! No ear infections to report and he even went to The Children's Museum to visit Santa. The museum was the big test. He didn't even get a cold so that is a great sign.
Grayson and Daddy went to the museum. I wasn't able to go. My doctor has instructed me to take it easy and watch being on my feet. I love the museum as much as Grayson but I followed her orders. There is always next year. Grayson and Marc enjoyed themselves. They had a day with just the two of them which is always special. Grayson wasn't sure about Santa this year. He told Marc, "I scared." Marc tried again before they left to make sure he didn't change his mind. He was fine with him last year but not this one. Grayson just loved the maze on the 4th floor by the Farris wheel, as you can see.

Grayson had his buddy Jack over for some wrestling fun. Poor Jack! Grayson kept taking him down for the count. Those two were rumbling all over the floor. After a while I think Jack had about enough of wrestling! :)

Grayson also went to Palmer and Lily's for some holiday fun! They all played, ate lunch and then decorated ginger bread houses! Grayson was so excited to go see them. He talked about if for an entire week! Kameron and Annabelle were there along with Holly. We just found out that Holly is going to be a big sister so that was exciting!

Yesterday was the Callaway Family Christmas (my mother's side of the family). Grayson had so much fun. He has a cousin Mason who is only 3 months older than Grayson so they played together great. Mason has a big brother Thoren, who is a wonderful playmate too! My cousin Tammy has 5 boys so Grayson was in testosterone heaven. He enjoyed flirting with the young Callaway girls too! Today is Christmas on my dad's side of the family so Grayson is looking forward to seeing his cousin there also. He has been talking about his big cousins, Dane& Kennedi, Broderick and Braedon and Ashley. We hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. It is always nice to see family and catch up. It's our children who make it all so special!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Grayson's Recovery

Grayson has been doing really well. His surgery was very quick. Marc and I thought something was wrong b/c Dr. Dugan returned so soon. She said he breathed really well for them so the anesthesia went into affect quicker than a lot of children. She said she drained quite a bit of puss off of his ears and that his adenoid on the left was larger than normal and the right one wasn't as bad. She said he should feel a lot of relief from all the pressure in his ears he had been experiencing. He has been eating and drinking well also and of course, his energy level is way above normal. That's our son! He's been a go boy since his arrival.

Over the holiday, we put up our Christmas Tree and lights outside. Grayson was more than eager to help with that. We had Thanksgiving dinner just the 3 of us with Grayosn's surgery the following Monday, we didn't want to chance him getting sick with a fever and have to reschedule. The baby room is coming along nicely. It is finally painted with just a few touch ups to be made. Marc had been out of town for a week in Ft. Wayne opening a new store. It was part of his training for the Area Director position. Grayson and I made it through the week w/o Marc...barely. I'd like to think I am a pretty independent woman but life just coming back at me the entire week Marc was gone. It was one catastrophe after the other, literally! We were very happy and eager to have him home again! Enjoy the photos! and hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Grayson's big surgery

Tomorrow is a big day for our little boy!!! We found out about a week ago that Grayson needs to have his adenoids removed. Over the course of the last year, he has has a lot of really bad ear infections. They seemed to have cleared up over the warmer months but since we returned from vacation, he had gotten one and then another shortly after his 3rd birthday. His most current infection, he's had for about a month with 3 rounds of different antibiotics. Enough was enough!!

We went to the ENT and she explained to us that is was due to enlarged adenoids and that is why he never got ear infections as a baby b/c the adenoids don't form until 18-24 months. After he turned 2 (last winter) was when he began getting them EVERY single time he got a cold. Because of all the puss in his ears, his ear drum isn't responding the way it should which could lead to hearing damage. Marc and I were prepared to hear about tubes being placed but the adenoids being taken out took us both by surprise. Needless to say, please keep all of us in your prayers as you go about you day tomorrow. It is a big day for Grayson and Marc and I, like most parents we are nervous and scared to for our little boy. We just hopes it makes him feel better in the long run. He has been so miserable lately, it breaks our hearts.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Final Days of Fall

Grayson and I headed over to the zoo this week for one last trip before it turned cold. The weather this past week had been so wonderful. The day we went to the zoo, it was 73 outside. It could not have been any better. It wasn't even crowded.... my kind of adventure. Things have been really busy around here with Marc training for his promotion as District Manager and trying to get everything in order for the arrival of our new baby. Grayson is in the process of getting a new room and new furniture again. He has a convertible bed but we decided to pass that along to the baby and buy him a new set. So needless to say, life is passing by all too quickly at the moment. My job is going well also. I really love teaching and my girls are great! I work just enough but not too much. It works out well for all of us. Now we are getting ready for Marc to travel for the next few weeks and looking forward to Christmas! Wow, did I just say that?

Grayson... 'The Red Dragon'

Grayson just loved Halloween this year! He picked out his costume too. He wanted to be a Red Dragon. Everyone that saw him dressed up thought he was too cute. Grandpa and Grandma came over to get some photos of him before we went out and brought by a special Halloween treat for him. He walked all over our neighborhood. It was so cute to hear him say, "Trick or Treat!" Marc and I had as much fun as he did! Grayson made out in the candy department!

He also went to his friend Holly's house to decorate pumpkins and have lunch. It was a fun play date for all his play mates! He wore his Spider Man mask and gloves to Holly's house.